Door Closers

That's what my husband called them when we first moved to Texas in ninety-six.  We cam from the north. We lived in small towns where it was very common to walk by a neighbor's porch and stop to visit 'awhile'.

At least once a week we would get together with someone for 'awhile', if not for dinner, then maybe for ice cream and pie, or pizza, or something.  Over a game, or over nothing but sweet fellowship or picking each other's brain over scripture or a decision to be made.   Never over TV and never carrying cell phones and tablets.

Texas was different.  The city had expanded to consume the country. Life was busy and hectic for everyone. People came home exhausted, drove into their garage and closed the door. Garage door openers opened the door just long enough for the car to slip in.

"Door closers," he'd say.

We had grand ideas that we would impart some country living and sweet fellowship, as soon as we got settled. Sad to say, the busy fast paced life hit us like a ton of bricks and we soon were slipping into our garage and closing the door.

I've been musing over Rev. 3:20 the last few days. Verses 14-22 are a warning to the Laodician church.   It appears that they moved to a place in their lives where they had lost their zeal. They had not turned their backs entirely, but they were not hot or cold. Just blah. Lukewarm. Maybe stretched thin, weary, or just didn't care anymore. They had begun to close doors. Spiritually speaking.

Vs. 20 - "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."

I've been thinking of all the ways or reasons we have for closing doors.  Weariness, hurts, anger, rejection, work, possessions, pride...But what is really important is that we do not become content to be door closers.

Oh blessed hope! If we open the door, which may just take a leap of faith out of our own comfort zone -- but if we open the door, he will come in to eat, dine, share, sup, commune with us.  Our strength and joy returns in that meal!

Truth is, He is always standing at the door of our hearts.  This is for believers as well as unbelievers. He always stands, always knocks. He longs for sweet fellowship with us.

But we must open the door. We must step out of our comfort zone, or self-life, and open the door. We must put aside our weariness, hurt, burdens and all that surrounds us, and purposely open the door.

Verse 24 says, "he who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne..."

Lord Jesus, today, I want to be a door opener.  Come in to me. I want to eat and feast in your presence, love, and abundance. Please forgive me for shutting you out.  I open my heart anew to you.  Amen.


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