Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the perfectly imperfect Fathers! I am so thankful that I was raised by a perfectly imperfect father and married a man who became a perfectly imperfect father just shy of one year after our wedding, 46 years ago. 
Perfectly imperfect fathers have faults. They marry an imperfect wife (prayerfully a perfectly imperfect wife, as they must become one) and have imperfect children. These perfectly imperfect fathers face financial struggles, jobless years, broken down vehicles, health issues, and everyday life, in the best imperfect way they can. But they face it head on and refuse to crawl into a hole or skip town. 
They learn to stand tall in faith. They work, and run and play, and collapse, and get up and do it again. They laugh deep belly giggles and shed silent tears. They do things right and do things wrong. They have good days and bad days, and learn to try to schedule them on alternate days to accommodate the good and bad days of their perfectly imperfect wife.
 They start young and grow old and gray if they don’t pull their hair out or go bald first. They build muscle and lose it. But they gain strength and wisdom as they press into their journey. Some days they are the life of the party and some days they need to stay in the growlery.
  They experience life and at some point the death of someone they love. They become better not bitter with time. They are strong, they are true. They forgive and love fully through the forgiveness and love of their perfect Heavenly Father who knows their imperfections and makes them perfect.
 And most of all, they are faithful. They live their life in Christ, pressing into their high calling, being the man God called them to be, so that those who follow can be perfectly imperfect. Thank you and Happy Father’s Day to my dad and my hubby!  I love you.


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