All Opinionated Up and No Place to Blow
Did you ever feel like that? And isn't that what blogs are for? Now don't get me wrong...I am not generally considered a very opinionated person. I have mine, but usually keep them pretty much to myself. Then again, it seems that sometimes, one's opinions come close to merging or colliding with one's convictions, and then there is nothing else to do...but blow...explode...speak...vent...share, or let it out in some way. Since you do have the option of closing this blog without reading, I will resist the feeling of imposing my opinion upon you, and just let it 'blow'.
With the elections just around the corner now, I have been asked more than a few times what I am thinking about this whole arena. I've already told you that I am not usually considered opinionated, and please know that I am never considered political. But this year has been different. Call it the 'signs of the times' or a 'spiritual urgency'. Just know that when speaking of the importance of this year's election, almost any way of putting it would be an understatement.
Since I was asked outright who I was going to vote for, I answered the question clearly: "I am voting for McCain/Palin." Now here is where my opinions are merging with my convictions:
There seems to be very little said in the Bible about which health care plan we should support. I don't find a lot about the tax breaks, or their increases, in the sixty-six books of the Bible either. And it seems that in my study from cover to cover, I don't find much about separating classes of people, trying to decide what kind of things benefit which class, or points for picking a leader based on how they will inflate my wallet. So one might say that the Bible has little to do with the election.
Wrong! Like it or not, the Bible does say that I should pay my taxes, obey my leaders, and take seriously my rights and responsibilities in doing what I can, to take care of what I have been blessed with...and that would include our freedom in this country 'under God with life and liberty for all'.
So how did I come to decide who I should vote for? The Bible does teach that when leaders, rulers, judges and kings follow the laws of the Lord, the people under them are blessed. And when leaders do not follow the laws of the Lord, the people under them are condemned, or to say the least, the people are in 'sore straits' (Judges 2:15). Although the Bible is not clear about healthcare, it is extremely clear about the sin of abortion, the sin of homosexuality, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, and the freedom of prayer and worship. There is only one candidate who clearly stands on the side of the Bible concerning these issues. I want a president who would lead this nation according to these values, so I will vote for John McCain.
Another issue that has brought this usually politically silent voice screaming out of me, is the company the candidates keep. Years ago, the president of a Bible college stood in my kitchen. He was an older gentleman of quiet and deliberated speech, white hair and the Biblical wisdom and soundness to go with it. He told me that it isn't just a man's knowledge or learning that makes Him wise, but that wisdom will be seen by the friendships a man keeps, the advisors he seeks, and the relationships he joins himself with. (Yes, the Bible does teach that you will become like those you spend your time with.)
I won't release my opinion to name names here, but an evening or two with the news, (the fair and balanced one) listening to the names of the company that Obama keeps, will raise the hair on the back of your neck and cause you to lay awake in fear.
I am not saying that we have a perfect man running for president, and I am not making any claims to the salvation or Biblical beliefs of either. I am only saying that I will vote for the one who most clearly stands for Biblical principles.
This weekend we heard that there are approximately 60 million people in our country who claim to be evangelical Christians. Of those 60 million, it appears that only 30 million are registered to vote. But the real travesty is that only approximately 15 million of those who call themselves Christians voted in the last election.
My prayer is that this will be an unprecedented year for Christians to vote! We must all take seriously our right, responsibility, and freedom to vote. (Our seriousness in voting reveals our
stewardship.) And I pray that we all vote according to Biblical principles.
Let us pray for our leaders and pray that God will continue to bless America.