Released from Captivity...Captivated by Love
I love to listen to my heavenly Father talk.
Just this morning, I was praying for women who have been captured, held against their will, or have had their mind, will, or emotions robbed from them in some way. (This is so in the news right now.) All the statistics tell us that when these women are rescued or delivered, most often, they will seek a similar live style, as that is what they are accustomed to. I was praying, "Lord, please protect them, hide them, take them captive...."
Wow! Here I am praying the statistics into place...spiritually! That is just what the Father wants...for them to seek a place, a hiding place, His secret place; a place where they are surrounded and protected...A place where they are held.
Not against their will. But by shedding His love, He has created a trusting place where they can dwell.
These past few weeks we have seen many women set free of spiritual strongholds, darkness, confusion, hurts and abuse. These women have been delivered! Delivered to a stronghold, a refuge, the solid rock, a hiding place. These women are part of a strong city, a walled city, a lasting covenant. Hidden...Protected...Held...Taken from a place where they were held captive, to a place where they are captivated by His love. From a place where they couldn't leave, to a place where they don't want to leave.
I opened my Bible and read: "Thou art a hiding place for me, thou preservest me from trouble; thou dost encompass me with deliverance." Psalms 32:7 The Amplified version adds that we are surrounded with songs of deliverance. Think about that. Surrounded by, encompassed with deliverance. Enclosed in deliverance! Walls that aren't walls. No longer a captive...I am captivated.
"Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, that my soul may praise thee and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to thee forever." Ps. 30:11-12 (Ps. 31:19 Ex. 15:17)
Just this morning, I was praying for women who have been captured, held against their will, or have had their mind, will, or emotions robbed from them in some way. (This is so in the news right now.) All the statistics tell us that when these women are rescued or delivered, most often, they will seek a similar live style, as that is what they are accustomed to. I was praying, "Lord, please protect them, hide them, take them captive...."
Wow! Here I am praying the statistics into place...spiritually! That is just what the Father wants...for them to seek a place, a hiding place, His secret place; a place where they are surrounded and protected...A place where they are held.
Not against their will. But by shedding His love, He has created a trusting place where they can dwell.
These past few weeks we have seen many women set free of spiritual strongholds, darkness, confusion, hurts and abuse. These women have been delivered! Delivered to a stronghold, a refuge, the solid rock, a hiding place. These women are part of a strong city, a walled city, a lasting covenant. Hidden...Protected...Held...Taken from a place where they were held captive, to a place where they are captivated by His love. From a place where they couldn't leave, to a place where they don't want to leave.
I opened my Bible and read: "Thou art a hiding place for me, thou preservest me from trouble; thou dost encompass me with deliverance." Psalms 32:7 The Amplified version adds that we are surrounded with songs of deliverance. Think about that. Surrounded by, encompassed with deliverance. Enclosed in deliverance! Walls that aren't walls. No longer a captive...I am captivated.
"Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; thou hast loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, that my soul may praise thee and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to thee forever." Ps. 30:11-12 (Ps. 31:19 Ex. 15:17)