I Don’t Wanna Grow UP
Laura and I are sitting here watching Princess Diaries. I have never watched it before, and she was sure I would like it. Those of you who know me, know that I often take notes during movies. I enjoy the quotes and the analogies that can be drawn. I’ve already got a legal page filled. I’ll save most for another day…after all, I’m still watching the movie.
However, I grabbed my note pad at the beginning, when Amelia said to the queen, “My expectation in life is to be invisible, and I’m good at it to…I don’t want to be a princess!”
I was immediately reminded of the Toys R Us commercial line: “I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys R Us Kid”. Both lines are about what one might ‘wanna be’. Here we go again. The same old problem. We all ‘wanna’ something, don’t we? So often, it is something that is impossible anyway. Like, how can you avoid growing up? (Although some people…on some days……seem to manage.) And if you are the princess, how can you not be? Most of the time we put our own ‘wannas’ in front of who we really are or what He really wants.
Another conversation a little further along in the movie: “I don’t want to run a country…I want to graduate from 10th grade…Can’t I just quit (being a princess)…You can’t quit who you are!”
Although, like Queen Vashti, our behavior might well grant our royal position to another. (That’s good food for thought. Almost as good as the carrot cake I just ate.)
Isn’t it wonderful to know that we are His, and that we are heirs of His throne? And isn’t it wonderful that He knew that when we were still invisible…before we were born. (Ps. 139)
Lord, help me today, to put aside what I ‘wanna’ or don’t ‘wanna’ and simply accept who you say that I am. And may I represent your kingdom in a way that brings glory to your Name. Amen.