Still Waiting…
We all know what it is like to wait. Sometimes it seems like we spend the majority of our days waiting. My grandfather had a saying which he used often: “Now, I have to hurry up to wait.” And most days, that is exactly what we do.
We wait for the traffic lights to change. We wait for the phone to ring, or to stop ringing. We wait for dinner, our ride, test results, packages to arrive, flights to take off, the sun to shine, spring to come, or just for the coffee pot to finish dripping the last of our brew. Hardly a day goes by without waiting. In fact, I now realize that waiting is not always measured in short segments with precisely placed and securely in sight beginnings and endings. And while much patience is needed to wait for lights, phone calls, rides and coffee breaks, the waiting that truly chisels our character is the waiting on God.
If I get impatient and want my coffee now, I can pull the pot out and clean up the dripping. Deciding not to wait for the traffic light might result in a ticket. The flight will eventually take off with merely minor discomforts and adjustments.
What about the waiting that I can do nothing about? What about the five year old prayer, still dangling answerless? What about the life altering situations that must yet take place? What about the God imparted hopes and dreams? What about the expectations built on His solid Word? There are things that may not be so clearly timed, and those I can do nothing about; and a lack of trust, or denying Him, will leave me desolate and still waiting. And yet, we are so prone to need to do something, instead of simply trusting.
Here I am again. Still waiting. Thank you, Lord for reminding me that you will ‘not rest until you finish the matter today’. And I can simply wait. Ruth 3:17-18
“Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act…Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land…” Ps. 37:5 and 34
Right in front of me as I type this is an index card that reads, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed"(Pr.16:3). This includes waiting on His Plan!!!
How many places in Scripture tell us to wait...because His timing is just not ours???
I've got a few of those wiating dreams still dangling myself...