How Firm a Foundation

I woke up with that line of the old hymn waving through my brain: "How firm a foundation if Jesus my Lord..." I allowed myself a few moments (o.k...maybe more than a few) to just be still and keep mentally singing that old classic. What hope! What glorious hope!

Hopeful harmonies of Hebrew joined in: "Consider Jesus..." (Heb. 3:1) "...There remains a sabbath rest..." (4:9) "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (4:16) "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope..." (6:19) The hope continues to roll: 'Therefore, since we have this confidence', and 'seeing Him who is invisible', and 'what more can I say', and 'let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken', and confidently say ..."The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid..." (13:6)

These days, it is uncommon to go more than 24 hours without hearing or seeing some unhelpful, hopeless, or unhappy news. It is so easy to get our minds on the economy or the political scene of the day.

But let me remind you how refreshing it is to look at the way He sees it. He who sees all, knows all, and is in control of all things concerning us...has quite a different vantage point. His kingdom will not be shaken...though the earth be removed and cast into the sea.

I was reading in the Psalms yesterday morning and was impressed several times with David's positive declarations. And I know that with the lonely days and rough nights he experienced, they were based on faith and securely anchored in that firm foundation of Jesus! In Psalms 84:5, he is talking about the blessing for those whose strength is found to be in God, and in verse 7 we read, "...the God of gods will be seen in Zion." My whole spirit zeroed in on that word 'will'. "The God of gods WILL be seen in Zion." Not if the Dow is up. Not if so and so is president. Not if all wars cease, uncle who is released from prison, sister doesn't get a divorce, my husband gets a huge raise, and all my kids get scholarships to college. No! Regardless of any of our circumstances, God will be seen in Zion! "For the Most High himself will establish her." (Ps. 87:5) What hope! What glorious hope!

Yes, I'll just keep singing "How firm a foundation is Jesus my Lord..." It is one tune I don't ever want to get out of my head!


TrashTidBits said…
Thanks for writing this last week. I reread it today and needed to get reconnected with my firm foundation.

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